Today I completed week two, day two, and I killed it! Only one more run to complete this week and I move on to week three! My knees were hurting once again but that was to be expected because I went against the program and ran back-to-back. As a beginner you should be running every other day so that your body has time to heal. But, because Monday’s weather prevented me from going outside, I attempted to get back on schedule by running on two consecutive days. Surprisingly, it wasn’t all that bad and I felt good during and after the run. If you were to see me at the park you would laugh because after every interval I put my hands up in the air and shout with excitement! During my last intervals I am beaming with pride while I run. I have a huge goofy smile on my face. People are probably wondering why I look so happy. I can’t help it…I just feel so darn proud of myself!
Several of my friends have decided to start running. They have all signed up for the 5K that I am running for my graduation of the Couch to 5K program. I am super excited to be able to share that experience with them. They are an awesome group of ladies we all share a common bond...the U.S. ARMY. Each of us has a spouse serving in the ARMY and several of them are currently deployed which can make life terribly difficult to cope with. But we have each other and for that I am forever grateful.
If you have even thought about trying to start running, please try doing the Couch to 5K program. It really is a great program designed for the ultimate couch potato!
Here are four veterans (one of them being my father) who recently completed the Soldier Marathon held at Fort Benning Ga, 13 November 2010.
I enjoyed it today at the park. the Polar Bear 5K will be crowded but fun. Cool shirt too!